Yom ul Quds ka Elaan kin Halat me hua? | یوم القدس اتنا اہم کیوں ؟ | Urdu
Yom ul Quds ka Elaan kin Halat me hua? | یوم القدس اتنا اہم کیوں ؟ | Hamary Maktab Me
Yom ul Quds per he kyn itni takeed he ?
Jabkey musalman aur bhe kitne mumalik me...
Yom ul Quds ka Elaan kin Halat me hua? | یوم القدس اتنا اہم کیوں ؟ | Hamary Maktab Me
Yom ul Quds per he kyn itni takeed he ?
Jabkey musalman aur bhe kitne mumalik me mazloomiat ki tasveer pesh kar rae hen ?
Speaker : Molana Syed Haider Ali Jaffery
Program : Hamary Maktab Me
#Hamary Maktab Me
Yom ul Quds ka Elaan kin Halat me hua? | یوم القدس اتنا اہم کیوں ؟ | Hamary Maktab Me
Yom ul Quds per he kyn itni takeed he ?
Jabkey musalman aur bhe kitne mumalik me mazloomiat ki tasveer pesh kar rae hen ?
Speaker : Molana Syed Haider Ali Jaffery
Program : Hamary Maktab Me
#Hamary Maktab Me
Video Tags:
Yom ul Quds ka Elaan kin Halat me hua? | یوم القدس اتنا اہم کیوں ؟ | Hamary Maktab Me - Urdu
Yom ul Quds ka Elaan kin Halat me hua? | یوم القدس اتنا اہم کیوں ؟ | Hamary Maktab Me
Yom ul Quds per he kyn itni takeed he ?
Jabkey musalman aur bhe kitne mumalik me...
Yom ul Quds ka Elaan kin Halat me hua? | یوم القدس اتنا اہم کیوں ؟ | Hamary Maktab Me
Yom ul Quds per he kyn itni takeed he ?
Jabkey musalman aur bhe kitne mumalik me mazloomiat ki tasveer pesh kar rae hen ?
Speaker : Molana Syed Haider Ali Jaffery
Program : Hamary Maktab Me
#Hamary Maktab Me
Yom ul Quds ka Elaan kin Halat me hua? | یوم القدس اتنا اہم کیوں ؟ | Hamary Maktab Me
Yom ul Quds per he kyn itni takeed he ?
Jabkey musalman aur bhe kitne mumalik me mazloomiat ki tasveer pesh kar rae hen ?
Speaker : Molana Syed Haider Ali Jaffery
Program : Hamary Maktab Me
#Hamary Maktab Me
Video Tags:
[Quds 2015] El mundo rechaza crímenes de Israel en Día Mundial de Al-Quds - Spanish
Millones de personas en todo el mundo han participado hoy viernes en las marchas por el Día Mundial de Al-Quds y, como años anteriores, han renovado su respaldo al oprimido pueblo de Palestina y...
Millones de personas en todo el mundo han participado hoy viernes en las marchas por el Día Mundial de Al-Quds y, como años anteriores, han renovado su respaldo al oprimido pueblo de Palestina y rechazo a la violencia del régimen israelí.
Con motivo el Día Mundial de Al-Quds, los manifestantes palestinos han portado una enorme bandera nacional de Palestina en la concentración tras el rezo colectivo de este viernes en Al-Quds (Jerusalén).
Entre tanto, el régimen de Israel ha impedido que cientos de palestinos crucen un puesto de control clave para asistir al rezo del viernes en la Mezquita Al-Aqsa.
El pueblo sirio ha salido a las calles en la capital Damasco para expresar su solidaridad con los palestinos y enfatizar la necesidad de estar atentos ante las crisis en Siria, Irak, Palestina, Yemen, Libia y El Líbano.
A juicio de los manifestantes sirios, la marcha de este año por el Día Mundial de Al-Quds tiene suma importancia, teniendo en cuenta los complots de los enemigos del Islam en diversos países de la región.
Los yemeníes, pese a que actualmente son blanco de ataques bélicos de Arabia Saudí, han protagonizado una marcha en Saná (la capital) por el Día de Al-Quds.
Según los informes, los participantes en la movilización gritaron lemas en apoyo y solidaridad con la oprimida nación palestina y en contra del régimen de Tel Aviv.
Diversas zonas de Irak, sobre todo el norte, han sido escenario de marchas con el motivo del Día Mundial de Al-Quds en las que han insistido en la liberación de los territorios ocupados de Palestina.
La provincia oriental de Diala, Bagdad (la capital) y Nayaf (sur) han sido algunas zonas donde los iraquíes han gritado lemas antisraelíes y a favor de la unidad nacional como la única vía para hacer frente al terrorismo y al régimen israelí.
Pese a las medidas represivas del régimen Al Jalifa, las marchas del Día de Al-Quds se han celebrado con la participación masiva de los musulmanes bareiníes.
El Líbano
Los palestinos que se encuentran alojados en diferentes campos de refugiados en El Líbano han marchado para reivindicar su derecho a regresar a su patria y han abogado por liberar sus territorios que se encuentran usurpados por el régimen de Israel.
Los ciudadanos turcos han asistido a la marcha por el Día de Al-Quds tras pedir en el rezo del viernes al Gobierno de Ankara que deje de apoyar al régimen israelí.
La víspera de este emblemático día, los musulmanes de la provincia noroccidental de Sakarya se congregaron por la noche con motivo del Día Mundial de Al-Quds y exigieron la liberación de Al-Quds.
Después del rezo colectivo del viernes, el pueblo malasio se ha manifestado en varias ciudades para condenar los crímenes del régimen israelí y, por otro lado, defender el derecho de los palestinos ante los abusos del régimen ocupador.
Los participantes congregados en Kuala Lumpur (la capital) y en los estados de Johore (sur), Kedah (noroeste), Penang (noroeste) han denunciado también que las crisis creadas en Yemen, Siria y otros países musulmanes tienen como fin desviar la atención de la causa palestina.
Los musulmanes tailandeses también se han reunido ante la embajada del régimen de Tel Aviv en Bangkok, capital, para expresar su repudio ante crímenes del régimen ocupador de Israel.
En Kabul, la capital, diferentes sectores sociales, entre ellos estudiantes, clérigos y personalidades científicas y culturales, han expresado su odio a los israelíes por la violencia que usan contra el indefenso pueblo de Palestina.
La India
Los indios se han congregado en mezquitas de Nueva Delhi (la capital) y Cachemira, administrada por La India, para condenar al régimen israelí al que han tachado de símbolo del terrorismo del Estado.
El fundador de la República Islámica de Irán, el Imam Jomeini (que descanse en paz), declaró en 1979 el último viernes del sagrado mes de Ramadán (noveno mes del calendario islámico de la hégira lunar) como el Día Mundial de Al-Quds, una medida para unificar al mundo islámico y mostrar su eterna solidaridad con la nación palestina.
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Millones de personas en todo el mundo han participado hoy viernes en las marchas por el Día Mundial de Al-Quds y, como años anteriores, han renovado su respaldo al oprimido pueblo de Palestina y rechazo a la violencia del régimen israelí.
Con motivo el Día Mundial de Al-Quds, los manifestantes palestinos han portado una enorme bandera nacional de Palestina en la concentración tras el rezo colectivo de este viernes en Al-Quds (Jerusalén).
Entre tanto, el régimen de Israel ha impedido que cientos de palestinos crucen un puesto de control clave para asistir al rezo del viernes en la Mezquita Al-Aqsa.
El pueblo sirio ha salido a las calles en la capital Damasco para expresar su solidaridad con los palestinos y enfatizar la necesidad de estar atentos ante las crisis en Siria, Irak, Palestina, Yemen, Libia y El Líbano.
A juicio de los manifestantes sirios, la marcha de este año por el Día Mundial de Al-Quds tiene suma importancia, teniendo en cuenta los complots de los enemigos del Islam en diversos países de la región.
Los yemeníes, pese a que actualmente son blanco de ataques bélicos de Arabia Saudí, han protagonizado una marcha en Saná (la capital) por el Día de Al-Quds.
Según los informes, los participantes en la movilización gritaron lemas en apoyo y solidaridad con la oprimida nación palestina y en contra del régimen de Tel Aviv.
Diversas zonas de Irak, sobre todo el norte, han sido escenario de marchas con el motivo del Día Mundial de Al-Quds en las que han insistido en la liberación de los territorios ocupados de Palestina.
La provincia oriental de Diala, Bagdad (la capital) y Nayaf (sur) han sido algunas zonas donde los iraquíes han gritado lemas antisraelíes y a favor de la unidad nacional como la única vía para hacer frente al terrorismo y al régimen israelí.
Pese a las medidas represivas del régimen Al Jalifa, las marchas del Día de Al-Quds se han celebrado con la participación masiva de los musulmanes bareiníes.
El Líbano
Los palestinos que se encuentran alojados en diferentes campos de refugiados en El Líbano han marchado para reivindicar su derecho a regresar a su patria y han abogado por liberar sus territorios que se encuentran usurpados por el régimen de Israel.
Los ciudadanos turcos han asistido a la marcha por el Día de Al-Quds tras pedir en el rezo del viernes al Gobierno de Ankara que deje de apoyar al régimen israelí.
La víspera de este emblemático día, los musulmanes de la provincia noroccidental de Sakarya se congregaron por la noche con motivo del Día Mundial de Al-Quds y exigieron la liberación de Al-Quds.
Después del rezo colectivo del viernes, el pueblo malasio se ha manifestado en varias ciudades para condenar los crímenes del régimen israelí y, por otro lado, defender el derecho de los palestinos ante los abusos del régimen ocupador.
Los participantes congregados en Kuala Lumpur (la capital) y en los estados de Johore (sur), Kedah (noroeste), Penang (noroeste) han denunciado también que las crisis creadas en Yemen, Siria y otros países musulmanes tienen como fin desviar la atención de la causa palestina.
Los musulmanes tailandeses también se han reunido ante la embajada del régimen de Tel Aviv en Bangkok, capital, para expresar su repudio ante crímenes del régimen ocupador de Israel.
En Kabul, la capital, diferentes sectores sociales, entre ellos estudiantes, clérigos y personalidades científicas y culturales, han expresado su odio a los israelíes por la violencia que usan contra el indefenso pueblo de Palestina.
La India
Los indios se han congregado en mezquitas de Nueva Delhi (la capital) y Cachemira, administrada por La India, para condenar al régimen israelí al que han tachado de símbolo del terrorismo del Estado.
El fundador de la República Islámica de Irán, el Imam Jomeini (que descanse en paz), declaró en 1979 el último viernes del sagrado mes de Ramadán (noveno mes del calendario islámico de la hégira lunar) como el Día Mundial de Al-Quds, una medida para unificar al mundo islámico y mostrar su eterna solidaridad con la nación palestina.
¡Suscríbete a HispanTV!
El grupo de HispanTV les recuerda a los seguidores de nuestra página en Youtube de que en el caso de que no se suban nuevos vídeos, en 48 horas, esto significa que han bloqueado el acceso de este canal a su cuenta en YouTube. De ser así, haga Clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener nuestra nueva dirección en YouTube:
Official Video- Attack on Quds Rally Quetta, Pakistan - Urdu
All photos of Quds Shohada of Quetta. Suicide attack on Quds day in Mezan chowk Quetta at 3 september 2010, resulting in 72 shaheed and hundreds injured. Lashkar jhangvi/Government responsible for...
All photos of Quds Shohada of Quetta. Suicide attack on Quds day in Mezan chowk Quetta at 3 september 2010, resulting in 72 shaheed and hundreds injured. Lashkar jhangvi/Government responsible for the attack. Youm ul Quds rally was organized by ISO QUETTA DIVISION. This is the first attack on any Yom al quds rally all over the World. Hizbullah, hezbullah general secretary HASAN NASRULLAH condemned the quds blast in quetta declaring it a non-humanitarian act. Gaza also showed their support for people of quetta. Palestine and hamas as well shared their grief with shia people of Quetta.
All photos of Quds Shohada of Quetta. Suicide attack on Quds day in Mezan chowk Quetta at 3 september 2010, resulting in 72 shaheed and hundreds injured. Lashkar jhangvi/Government responsible for the attack. Youm ul Quds rally was organized by ISO QUETTA DIVISION. This is the first attack on any Yom al quds rally all over the World. Hizbullah, hezbullah general secretary HASAN NASRULLAH condemned the quds blast in quetta declaring it a non-humanitarian act. Gaza also showed their support for people of quetta. Palestine and hamas as well shared their grief with shia people of Quetta.
AL-QUDS DAY 2024 RALLY | English
Like every year, the AL-QUDS DAY in QOM, Iran was simply outstanding and energizing. This year, due to the al-Aqsa Storm, the al-Quds Day was re-energized and countless people poured out on the...
Like every year, the AL-QUDS DAY in QOM, Iran was simply outstanding and energizing. This year, due to the al-Aqsa Storm, the al-Quds Day was re-energized and countless people poured out on the Shuhada Ave. to be part of the \\\"Storm of the Free\\\".
🗣 Believing men, women, youth, and children marched from the Haram of Sayyida Ma\\\'sumah (A) towards the Musallah al-Quds. For as far as one could see, it was an ocean of justice-seeking and insightful believers expressing their solidarity with the oppressed nation of Palestine 🇵🇸. Many elderly were witnessed on wheelchairs and even crutches. 👨🦽👨🦯 Subhan-Allah. The rally concluded with Friday prayers at Musallah al-Quds.
🚶♂️Second year in a row, the English speaking International Students of Qom (SoQ) came together to form a rally of their own and marched from the SoQ Cultural Center towards the Main Rally and joined it on the Shuhada Ave. A big al-Quds Day Banner and placards in English were designed, printed, and prepared by our volunteers, especially for the al-Quds Day Rally. The participants carried the banner and placards throughout the rally and chanted slogans in English, Farsi, and Arabic. ✊
The local Iranian population welcomed this strong and noticeable presence of the non-Iranians in the rally. Countless people expressed their gratitude towards the international students\\\' participation in the al-Quds Day rally.
We would like to thank each and every one of you who participated in this rally with SoQ volunteer families.
We were joined by a diverse crowd of English speaking students and scholars along with their families from Nigeria, Philippines, Ireland, Canada, US, UK, Kashmir, Tanzania, Pakistan, India and English-speaking Iranians.
Thank you for showing the strength and unity. And Jazak-Allah for continuously shouting the slogans while you were in the state of fasting. May Allah (swt) accept your fasting and your I\\\'badaat. Ameen.
~ Students of Qom (SoQ)
🌐 www.studentsofqom.org
📱 telegram.me/studentsofqom
📱 https://eitaa.com/studentsofqom
📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/DMICLq3eX9iKhSSh8t8JvA
Students of Qom (SoQ) is a non-profit, non-governmental association of Islamic Seminary English speaking students in the Holy City of Qom, with the aim to promote, encourage, facilitate, and carry out the propagation of pure Islam’s message to all corners of the world, especially to the English speaking communities.
Like every year, the AL-QUDS DAY in QOM, Iran was simply outstanding and energizing. This year, due to the al-Aqsa Storm, the al-Quds Day was re-energized and countless people poured out on the Shuhada Ave. to be part of the \\\"Storm of the Free\\\".
🗣 Believing men, women, youth, and children marched from the Haram of Sayyida Ma\\\'sumah (A) towards the Musallah al-Quds. For as far as one could see, it was an ocean of justice-seeking and insightful believers expressing their solidarity with the oppressed nation of Palestine 🇵🇸. Many elderly were witnessed on wheelchairs and even crutches. 👨🦽👨🦯 Subhan-Allah. The rally concluded with Friday prayers at Musallah al-Quds.
🚶♂️Second year in a row, the English speaking International Students of Qom (SoQ) came together to form a rally of their own and marched from the SoQ Cultural Center towards the Main Rally and joined it on the Shuhada Ave. A big al-Quds Day Banner and placards in English were designed, printed, and prepared by our volunteers, especially for the al-Quds Day Rally. The participants carried the banner and placards throughout the rally and chanted slogans in English, Farsi, and Arabic. ✊
The local Iranian population welcomed this strong and noticeable presence of the non-Iranians in the rally. Countless people expressed their gratitude towards the international students\\\' participation in the al-Quds Day rally.
We would like to thank each and every one of you who participated in this rally with SoQ volunteer families.
We were joined by a diverse crowd of English speaking students and scholars along with their families from Nigeria, Philippines, Ireland, Canada, US, UK, Kashmir, Tanzania, Pakistan, India and English-speaking Iranians.
Thank you for showing the strength and unity. And Jazak-Allah for continuously shouting the slogans while you were in the state of fasting. May Allah (swt) accept your fasting and your I\\\'badaat. Ameen.
~ Students of Qom (SoQ)
🌐 www.studentsofqom.org
📱 telegram.me/studentsofqom
📱 https://eitaa.com/studentsofqom
📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/DMICLq3eX9iKhSSh8t8JvA
Students of Qom (SoQ) is a non-profit, non-governmental association of Islamic Seminary English speaking students in the Holy City of Qom, with the aim to promote, encourage, facilitate, and carry out the propagation of pure Islam’s message to all corners of the world, especially to the English speaking communities.
A Day for Humanity: International al-Quds Day | IP Talk Show | English
How important is the International al-Quds Day?
What does Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei say about the International Day of al-Quds?
Who is the founder of the International Al-Quds Day and thus is...
How important is the International al-Quds Day?
What does Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei say about the International Day of al-Quds?
Who is the founder of the International Al-Quds Day and thus is it limited to just the Shia?
What does al-Quds Day stand for and thus is it limited to just Muslims?
Should you commemorate the International al-Quds Day if you have a small community; or can you commemorate it even as an individual or small group?
And what can one do in support of the International al-Quds via the social media?
And what are some other examples of oppression that have occurred in history which is similar to that of Palestine?
What is the stance of some Rabbis, Orthodox Jews, the Neturei Karta, and even Secular Jews when it comes to Zionism and the state of israel?
Finally, what is our duty when it comes to the International al-Quds Day?
In order to answer these questions and more, we invited Shaykh Muzaffer Hyder from the United Kingdom, to sit down with us and discuss the International al-Quds Day; A Day for Humanity.
Palestine Will Be Free, From the River to the Sea!
Allah Guarantees It.
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Resistance #Khomeini #Khamenei #Freedom #BDS #BoycottApartheid #FlyTheFlag #AlQuds2022 #AlQudsTheAxis #alQuds #QudsDay #FreePalestine #Palestine #Zionism #israel #Oppressor #DeathToisrael #Truth #Justice #Freedom #Oppression
How important is the International al-Quds Day?
What does Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei say about the International Day of al-Quds?
Who is the founder of the International Al-Quds Day and thus is it limited to just the Shia?
What does al-Quds Day stand for and thus is it limited to just Muslims?
Should you commemorate the International al-Quds Day if you have a small community; or can you commemorate it even as an individual or small group?
And what can one do in support of the International al-Quds via the social media?
And what are some other examples of oppression that have occurred in history which is similar to that of Palestine?
What is the stance of some Rabbis, Orthodox Jews, the Neturei Karta, and even Secular Jews when it comes to Zionism and the state of israel?
Finally, what is our duty when it comes to the International al-Quds Day?
In order to answer these questions and more, we invited Shaykh Muzaffer Hyder from the United Kingdom, to sit down with us and discuss the International al-Quds Day; A Day for Humanity.
Palestine Will Be Free, From the River to the Sea!
Allah Guarantees It.
#IslamicPulse #IPTalkShow #Islam #Resistance #Khomeini #Khamenei #Freedom #BDS #BoycottApartheid #FlyTheFlag #AlQuds2022 #AlQudsTheAxis #alQuds #QudsDay #FreePalestine #Palestine #Zionism #israel #Oppressor #DeathToisrael #Truth #Justice #Freedom #Oppression
Video Tags:
26th Sep-Hassan Nasrullah Speech on Youm ul Quds -English
Quds Day keeps Palestinian cause alive
Hezbollah\\\'s leader says Quds Day is clearly alive decades after its inception, as a warning to Muslims against abandoning the Palestinian cause....
Quds Day keeps Palestinian cause alive
Hezbollah\\\'s leader says Quds Day is clearly alive decades after its inception, as a warning to Muslims against abandoning the Palestinian cause.
“Thirty years after Imam Khomeini (PBUH) announced Quds Day, it is clearly very much alive…and has always had the support of those generations who supported Imam Khomeini and followed his path,” said Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah during a televised address on the ocassion.
He hailed the annual event as an opportunity to reinvigorate the cause of al-Quds and Palestine, “which was and still is subject to destruction, bargaining and forgetfulness.”
“The idea is not just for standing at podiums and crying because of (Palestinian) losses,” he said, adding that by marking Quds Day, Muslims highlight their determination to rectify the situation.
Nasrallah criticized those who are afraid of the negative repercussions standing for the Palestinian nation may bring, describing the issue as a central cause that concerns the destiny of the entire Islamic Ummah and of future generations.
He referred to the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel as a humiliation for Muslims whose noblest sanctities remain occupied by their \\\'racist Zionist\\\' enemy.
The Hezbollah secretary general underscored the responsibility of the Muslim community towards al-Quds, Palestine and the Palestinian nation, saying Palestine belonged to the Palestinians, Muslims and the Arab world and that it must revert to its real owners.
He refuted the misconception of Israel being a superpower and described the Zionist regime as an entity created by Britain and taken over by the United States, noting that both are using Tel Aviv for their hegemonic aims. The Hezbollah chief then pored scorn on the shameful tactic of begging the founders of Israel in the hope of liberating the occupied territories.
He said Israel is the enemy of all Arabs and Muslims and called on the Arabs unite against their common enemy, adding that Premier Ehud Olmert\\\'s resignation is evidence of the Israeli defeat in the July 2006 war.
Nasrallah also emphasized that Hezbollah was genuinely devoted to the reconciliation of all Lebanese rival groups in the national effort to realize peace and political stability.
The founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, designated International Quds Day in 1979 to oppose Israel\\\'s occupation of Islam\\\'s third most holy city and Palestinian lands in general.
Anti-Zionist demonstrations are held on the last Friday of the fasting month of Ramadan in some Muslim countries and by Muslim and Arab communities around the world.
Quds Day keeps Palestinian cause alive
Hezbollah\\\'s leader says Quds Day is clearly alive decades after its inception, as a warning to Muslims against abandoning the Palestinian cause.
“Thirty years after Imam Khomeini (PBUH) announced Quds Day, it is clearly very much alive…and has always had the support of those generations who supported Imam Khomeini and followed his path,” said Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah during a televised address on the ocassion.
He hailed the annual event as an opportunity to reinvigorate the cause of al-Quds and Palestine, “which was and still is subject to destruction, bargaining and forgetfulness.”
“The idea is not just for standing at podiums and crying because of (Palestinian) losses,” he said, adding that by marking Quds Day, Muslims highlight their determination to rectify the situation.
Nasrallah criticized those who are afraid of the negative repercussions standing for the Palestinian nation may bring, describing the issue as a central cause that concerns the destiny of the entire Islamic Ummah and of future generations.
He referred to the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel as a humiliation for Muslims whose noblest sanctities remain occupied by their \\\'racist Zionist\\\' enemy.
The Hezbollah secretary general underscored the responsibility of the Muslim community towards al-Quds, Palestine and the Palestinian nation, saying Palestine belonged to the Palestinians, Muslims and the Arab world and that it must revert to its real owners.
He refuted the misconception of Israel being a superpower and described the Zionist regime as an entity created by Britain and taken over by the United States, noting that both are using Tel Aviv for their hegemonic aims. The Hezbollah chief then pored scorn on the shameful tactic of begging the founders of Israel in the hope of liberating the occupied territories.
He said Israel is the enemy of all Arabs and Muslims and called on the Arabs unite against their common enemy, adding that Premier Ehud Olmert\\\'s resignation is evidence of the Israeli defeat in the July 2006 war.
Nasrallah also emphasized that Hezbollah was genuinely devoted to the reconciliation of all Lebanese rival groups in the national effort to realize peace and political stability.
The founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, designated International Quds Day in 1979 to oppose Israel\\\'s occupation of Islam\\\'s third most holy city and Palestinian lands in general.
Anti-Zionist demonstrations are held on the last Friday of the fasting month of Ramadan in some Muslim countries and by Muslim and Arab communities around the world.
[10 Aug 2012] International Al Quds day for Muslim unity - Islam And life - English
[10 Aug 2012] International Al Quds day for Muslim unity - Islam And life - English
Every year on the last Friday of Ramadan, Muslims commemorate al-Quds day and show their solidarity with the...
[10 Aug 2012] International Al Quds day for Muslim unity - Islam And life - English
Every year on the last Friday of Ramadan, Muslims commemorate al-Quds day and show their solidarity with the people of Palestine. The Palestinian cause is an indisputable aspiration shared by almost every Muslim in the world, regardless of their national, lingual and sectarian diversities. Their wish to liberate Palestine and al-Quds from the Zionists goes beyond all their differences. This year's al-Quds day, in the aftermath of revolutions and political turbulences in the Muslim and Arab world, and in the prospect of sectarian conflicts and civil wars ignited by the western powers, is a unique opportunity to forget all differences, to use the spiritual and liberating experience of Ramadan and to come together as brothers and sisters.
Muslims traditionally tend to ignore the material life and worldly pleasures and to restrain themselves from any dispute during the month of Ramadan. This week's Islam and Life asks: How important is the international Al-Quds day for Muslim unity?
[10 Aug 2012] International Al Quds day for Muslim unity - Islam And life - English
Every year on the last Friday of Ramadan, Muslims commemorate al-Quds day and show their solidarity with the people of Palestine. The Palestinian cause is an indisputable aspiration shared by almost every Muslim in the world, regardless of their national, lingual and sectarian diversities. Their wish to liberate Palestine and al-Quds from the Zionists goes beyond all their differences. This year's al-Quds day, in the aftermath of revolutions and political turbulences in the Muslim and Arab world, and in the prospect of sectarian conflicts and civil wars ignited by the western powers, is a unique opportunity to forget all differences, to use the spiritual and liberating experience of Ramadan and to come together as brothers and sisters.
Muslims traditionally tend to ignore the material life and worldly pleasures and to restrain themselves from any dispute during the month of Ramadan. This week's Islam and Life asks: How important is the international Al-Quds day for Muslim unity?
[Al Quds 2014] Liberación de Al-Quds es un ideal para la Revolución Islámica - 25July14 - Spanish
La liberación de Al-Quds y del pueblo inocente palestino es un ideal de gran importancia para la Revolución Islámica, y la nación iraní no escatimará en apoyo financiero y espiritual para...
La liberación de Al-Quds y del pueblo inocente palestino es un ideal de gran importancia para la Revolución Islámica, y la nación iraní no escatimará en apoyo financiero y espiritual para materializarlo.
Así ha afirmado este viernes el pueblo persa mediante una resolución emitida en el marco de la marcha del Día Mundial de Al-Quds, que se está celebrando en las calles de Teherán, la capital, y en otras ciudades de Irán.
Mediante un comunicado de 10 artículos, los participantes de la marcha han condenado las atrocidades del régimen de Israel contra los palestinos residentes en la Franja de Gaza.
Según el documento, la invasión militar del régimen de Israel contra Gaza es una clara muestra de genocidio y crímenes de guerra, dando lugar a la muerte de centenares de civiles, entre ellos mujeres, niños y ancianos.
Asimismo han llamado a la comunidad internacional, en concreto a los países miembros de la Organización de Cooperación Islámica (OCI), a tomar las medidas necesarias para detener las atrocidades de este régimen.
La convergencia y la unidad de las facciones palestinas, han enfatizado, se encuentran entre los factores principales para expulsar a los usurpadores israelíes de los territorios ocupados palestinos.
Con un mismo tono, han lamentado el mutismo de la comunidad internacional ante la judaización de los territorios ocupados.
En el texto se lee que la presencia de grupos terroristas en Siria e Irak, en concreto el grupo Estado Islámico de Irak y el Levante (EIIL o Daesh, en árabe) es un complot de Estados Unidos y el régimen de Tel Aviv, para difundir la islamofobia y crear discrepancias entre los musulmanes.
Millones de iraníes han salido este viernes a las calles del país para conmemorar el Día Mundial de Al-Quds, declarado en agosto de 1979 por el fundador de la República Islámica de Irán, el Imam Jomeini (que descanse en paz), y condenar las agresiones del régimen israelí en el enclave costero palestino.
Como consecuencia de la nueva ola de ataques israelíes contra la Franja de Gaza que comenzó el pasado 7 de julio, hasta el momento, 828 palestinos han perdido la vida y más de 5345 han resultado heridos, en su mayoría civiles.
El grupo de HispanTV les recuerda a los seguidores de nuestra página en Youtube de que en el caso de que no se suban nuevos vídeos, en 48 horas, esto significa que YouTube ha bloqueado el acceso de este canal a su cuenta oficial. De ser así, haga Clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener nuestra nueva dirección en YouTube:
La liberación de Al-Quds y del pueblo inocente palestino es un ideal de gran importancia para la Revolución Islámica, y la nación iraní no escatimará en apoyo financiero y espiritual para materializarlo.
Así ha afirmado este viernes el pueblo persa mediante una resolución emitida en el marco de la marcha del Día Mundial de Al-Quds, que se está celebrando en las calles de Teherán, la capital, y en otras ciudades de Irán.
Mediante un comunicado de 10 artículos, los participantes de la marcha han condenado las atrocidades del régimen de Israel contra los palestinos residentes en la Franja de Gaza.
Según el documento, la invasión militar del régimen de Israel contra Gaza es una clara muestra de genocidio y crímenes de guerra, dando lugar a la muerte de centenares de civiles, entre ellos mujeres, niños y ancianos.
Asimismo han llamado a la comunidad internacional, en concreto a los países miembros de la Organización de Cooperación Islámica (OCI), a tomar las medidas necesarias para detener las atrocidades de este régimen.
La convergencia y la unidad de las facciones palestinas, han enfatizado, se encuentran entre los factores principales para expulsar a los usurpadores israelíes de los territorios ocupados palestinos.
Con un mismo tono, han lamentado el mutismo de la comunidad internacional ante la judaización de los territorios ocupados.
En el texto se lee que la presencia de grupos terroristas en Siria e Irak, en concreto el grupo Estado Islámico de Irak y el Levante (EIIL o Daesh, en árabe) es un complot de Estados Unidos y el régimen de Tel Aviv, para difundir la islamofobia y crear discrepancias entre los musulmanes.
Millones de iraníes han salido este viernes a las calles del país para conmemorar el Día Mundial de Al-Quds, declarado en agosto de 1979 por el fundador de la República Islámica de Irán, el Imam Jomeini (que descanse en paz), y condenar las agresiones del régimen israelí en el enclave costero palestino.
Como consecuencia de la nueva ola de ataques israelíes contra la Franja de Gaza que comenzó el pasado 7 de julio, hasta el momento, 828 palestinos han perdido la vida y más de 5345 han resultado heridos, en su mayoría civiles.
El grupo de HispanTV les recuerda a los seguidores de nuestra página en Youtube de que en el caso de que no se suban nuevos vídeos, en 48 horas, esto significa que YouTube ha bloqueado el acceso de este canal a su cuenta oficial. De ser así, haga Clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener nuestra nueva dirección en YouTube:
[Al Quds 2014] Turcos marchan en el Día Mundial de Al-Quds por Palestina - 25July14 - Spanish
Cientos de turcos marchan por Estambul en el Día Mundial de Al-Quds para reivindicar la liberación de la tierra palestina y el fin de los asesinatos del régimen Israel en la Franja de Gaza. El...
Cientos de turcos marchan por Estambul en el Día Mundial de Al-Quds para reivindicar la liberación de la tierra palestina y el fin de los asesinatos del régimen Israel en la Franja de Gaza. El Día Mundial de Al-Quds fue declarado por el ayatolá Jomeini, la paz esté con él.
Este año la celebración del Día Mundial de Al-Quds está cargada de furia. Palestina lleva más de dos semanas sufriendo los sangrientos bombardeos del régimen israelí, que ya se han cobrado más de 850 vidas.
Este día fue declarado por el fundador de la República Islámica de Irán, el Ayatolá Jomeini, la paz esté con él. En esta jornada los musulmanes de todo el mundo caminan bajo la bandera de Palestina para exigir el fin de la opresión del régimen israelí a ese pueblo, cuyas tierras ocupó y hasta hoy arrincona y asesina.
\"Que Dios destruya sus trampas”, dice Zeynep sobre las estratagemas pergeñadas por el Occidente para bloquear todo juicio internacional a los crímenes de guerra cometidos por el régimen de Israel. El Gobierno turco, en cambio, ha condenado públicamente, en muy repetidas ocasiones, las masacres perpetradas en la Franja de Gaza.
Los turcos inventan nuevas formas de luchar contra el régimen sionista. La última, llamar masivamente a un boicot a todos los productos israelíes que se venden en Turquía.
Lluís Miquel Hurtado, Estambul.
El grupo de HispanTV les recuerda a los seguidores de nuestra página en Youtube de que en el caso de que no se suban nuevos vídeos, en 48 horas, esto significa que YouTube ha bloqueado el acceso de este canal a su cuenta oficial. De ser así, haga Clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener nuestra nueva dirección en YouTube:
Cientos de turcos marchan por Estambul en el Día Mundial de Al-Quds para reivindicar la liberación de la tierra palestina y el fin de los asesinatos del régimen Israel en la Franja de Gaza. El Día Mundial de Al-Quds fue declarado por el ayatolá Jomeini, la paz esté con él.
Este año la celebración del Día Mundial de Al-Quds está cargada de furia. Palestina lleva más de dos semanas sufriendo los sangrientos bombardeos del régimen israelí, que ya se han cobrado más de 850 vidas.
Este día fue declarado por el fundador de la República Islámica de Irán, el Ayatolá Jomeini, la paz esté con él. En esta jornada los musulmanes de todo el mundo caminan bajo la bandera de Palestina para exigir el fin de la opresión del régimen israelí a ese pueblo, cuyas tierras ocupó y hasta hoy arrincona y asesina.
\"Que Dios destruya sus trampas”, dice Zeynep sobre las estratagemas pergeñadas por el Occidente para bloquear todo juicio internacional a los crímenes de guerra cometidos por el régimen de Israel. El Gobierno turco, en cambio, ha condenado públicamente, en muy repetidas ocasiones, las masacres perpetradas en la Franja de Gaza.
Los turcos inventan nuevas formas de luchar contra el régimen sionista. La última, llamar masivamente a un boicot a todos los productos israelíes que se venden en Turquía.
Lluís Miquel Hurtado, Estambul.
El grupo de HispanTV les recuerda a los seguidores de nuestra página en Youtube de que en el caso de que no se suban nuevos vídeos, en 48 horas, esto significa que YouTube ha bloqueado el acceso de este canal a su cuenta oficial. De ser así, haga Clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener nuestra nueva dirección en YouTube:
Get Out of Our al-Quds! | Resistance Rap | Farsi Sub English
\"It is the Day of Resurrection;
and the world is on its feet.\"
\"The mountain in a state of Rukoo;
and the field is its Sajjadeh.\"
\"Fatima (A)’s son...
\"It is the Day of Resurrection;
and the world is on its feet.\"
\"The mountain in a state of Rukoo;
and the field is its Sajjadeh.\"
\"Fatima (A)’s son will come;
he will show Haydar (A)’s visage.\"
\"He is the Khaybar-breaking hero;
he will open the door of Khaybar.\"
\"We will soon Iftar in Al-Quds!
Al-Quds is ours; Al-Quds is ours!\"
This and more in this resistance rap by Mojall in ode to the liberation of Palestine and the day when we will soon Iftar in al-Quds.
Palestine Will Be Free,
From the River to the Sea!
So, \"Get Out of Our al-Quds!\"
\"It is the Day of Resurrection;
and the world is on its feet.\"
\"The mountain in a state of Rukoo;
and the field is its Sajjadeh.\"
\"Fatima (A)’s son will come;
he will show Haydar (A)’s visage.\"
\"He is the Khaybar-breaking hero;
he will open the door of Khaybar.\"
\"We will soon Iftar in Al-Quds!
Al-Quds is ours; Al-Quds is ours!\"
This and more in this resistance rap by Mojall in ode to the liberation of Palestine and the day when we will soon Iftar in al-Quds.
Palestine Will Be Free,
From the River to the Sea!
So, \"Get Out of Our al-Quds!\"
Video Tags:
AL-QUDS DAY 2023 RALLY | English
🇵🇸 Like every year, the AL-QUDS DAY in QOM, Iran was simply outstanding and energizing. 🇮🇷
🗣 Countless people poured out on the Shuhada Ave. that connects the Haram of Sayyida...
🇵🇸 Like every year, the AL-QUDS DAY in QOM, Iran was simply outstanding and energizing. 🇮🇷
🗣 Countless people poured out on the Shuhada Ave. that connects the Haram of Sayyida Ma\'sumah (A) and the Musallah Al-Quds. For as far as one could see, it was an ocean of justice-seeking, insightful, believing men, women, youth, and children expressing their solidarity with the oppressed nation of Palestine 🇵🇸. Many elderly were witnessed on wheelchairs and even crutches. 👨🦽👨🦯 🩼 Subhan-Allah.
🚶♂️This was the first-ever year where the English speaking International Students of Qom (SoQ) came together to form a rally of their own and marched towards and joined the Main Rally. A big Al-Quds Day Banner and placards in English were designed, printed, and prepared by our volunteers, especially for the Al-Quds Day Rally. The participants carried the banner and placards throughout the rally and chanted slogans in English. ✊
🇮🇷 The local Iranian population welcomed this initiative a great deal and appreciated the strong presence of non-Iranians in the rally. Countless people expressed their gratitude towards the international students\' participation in this rally. Some of the comments we received:
✨ \"The entire world should stand against Zionism. And this organized presence of the English speaking international students is simply amazing.\"
✨ \"Due to the international media blackout against us, we don\'t get coverage. Your presence shows us that our voice is reaching outside of Iran.\"
✨ \"You guys show us that we are not alone in this battle against the oppressors.\"
✨ \"The Al-Quds Day is not specific to Iranians. You guys proved it!\"
✨ \"You may be a small group, but you give us hope that the message of Wilayah is being received by you as well.\"
✨ \"Your presence shows that the message of the Islamic Revolution is reaching far and wide.\"
✨ \"Your organized rally is a proof that our resistance against the arrogant powers is successful and victorious.\"
Many such comments were given to us by the local Iranian crowd. Alhamdo-lillah.
We would like to thank each and every one of you who participated in this rally with SoQ volunteer families.
We were joined by a diverse crowd of English speaking students and scholars along with their families from Nigeria, Philippines, Canada, US, UK, Dubai, Tanzania, Qatar, New Zealand, Pakistan, India and English-speaking Iranians.
Thank you for showing the strength and unity. And Jazak-Allah for continuously shouting the slogans while you were in the state of fasting. Taqabbal-Allah that you worshipped during the Night of Qadr and right the next morning you joined us with all that spirituality and purity attained during the night. This is precisely the lesson we learn from Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (A). This is what distinguishes Islamic spirituality from fake spirituality. May Allah (swt) accept your fasting and your I\'badaat. Ameen.
~ Students of Qom (SoQ)
🌐 www.studentsofqom.org
📱 telegram.me/studentsofqom
📱 https://eitaa.com/studentsofqom
📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/DMICLq3eX9iKhSSh8t8JvA
🇵🇸 Like every year, the AL-QUDS DAY in QOM, Iran was simply outstanding and energizing. 🇮🇷
🗣 Countless people poured out on the Shuhada Ave. that connects the Haram of Sayyida Ma\'sumah (A) and the Musallah Al-Quds. For as far as one could see, it was an ocean of justice-seeking, insightful, believing men, women, youth, and children expressing their solidarity with the oppressed nation of Palestine 🇵🇸. Many elderly were witnessed on wheelchairs and even crutches. 👨🦽👨🦯 🩼 Subhan-Allah.
🚶♂️This was the first-ever year where the English speaking International Students of Qom (SoQ) came together to form a rally of their own and marched towards and joined the Main Rally. A big Al-Quds Day Banner and placards in English were designed, printed, and prepared by our volunteers, especially for the Al-Quds Day Rally. The participants carried the banner and placards throughout the rally and chanted slogans in English. ✊
🇮🇷 The local Iranian population welcomed this initiative a great deal and appreciated the strong presence of non-Iranians in the rally. Countless people expressed their gratitude towards the international students\' participation in this rally. Some of the comments we received:
✨ \"The entire world should stand against Zionism. And this organized presence of the English speaking international students is simply amazing.\"
✨ \"Due to the international media blackout against us, we don\'t get coverage. Your presence shows us that our voice is reaching outside of Iran.\"
✨ \"You guys show us that we are not alone in this battle against the oppressors.\"
✨ \"The Al-Quds Day is not specific to Iranians. You guys proved it!\"
✨ \"You may be a small group, but you give us hope that the message of Wilayah is being received by you as well.\"
✨ \"Your presence shows that the message of the Islamic Revolution is reaching far and wide.\"
✨ \"Your organized rally is a proof that our resistance against the arrogant powers is successful and victorious.\"
Many such comments were given to us by the local Iranian crowd. Alhamdo-lillah.
We would like to thank each and every one of you who participated in this rally with SoQ volunteer families.
We were joined by a diverse crowd of English speaking students and scholars along with their families from Nigeria, Philippines, Canada, US, UK, Dubai, Tanzania, Qatar, New Zealand, Pakistan, India and English-speaking Iranians.
Thank you for showing the strength and unity. And Jazak-Allah for continuously shouting the slogans while you were in the state of fasting. Taqabbal-Allah that you worshipped during the Night of Qadr and right the next morning you joined us with all that spirituality and purity attained during the night. This is precisely the lesson we learn from Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (A). This is what distinguishes Islamic spirituality from fake spirituality. May Allah (swt) accept your fasting and your I\'badaat. Ameen.
~ Students of Qom (SoQ)
🌐 www.studentsofqom.org
📱 telegram.me/studentsofqom
📱 https://eitaa.com/studentsofqom
📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/DMICLq3eX9iKhSSh8t8JvA
Video Tags:
[AL-QUDS 2013] Full Speech by Syed Hasan Nasrallah - Arabic sub English
Sayyed Nasrallah: We, the Twelver Shia, Won\\\\\\\'t Abandon Palestine
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said on Friday that the demise of Israel is a national interest,...
Sayyed Nasrallah: We, the Twelver Shia, Won\\\\\\\'t Abandon Palestine
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said on Friday that the demise of Israel is a national interest, stressing that the \\\\\\\"Shiite\\\\\\\" Hezbollah will continue to bear its responsibilities towards the Palestinian cause and Al-Quds.
In a live speech before crowds marking the International Al-Quds Day in Dahiyeh, Sayyed Nasrallah paid tribute to late Imam Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini who designated the last Friday in the holy month of Ramadan as Al-Quds Day, and said that people are in critical need to commemorate this day.
\\\\\\\"On the seventh of August 1979, meaning few months from the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini issued a statement calling on all vulnerable peoples in the world to consider as Al-Quds Day the last Friday of the month of Ramadan, and this call was confirmed by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah said. \\\\\\\"The goal of this call was to remind Muslims and the world of the Palestinian cause and benefit from this occasion to mobilize energies in order to save Al-Quds and Palestine from the hands of the Zionists and to highlight what Palestine and its people are suffering from starvation, Judaization and siege,\\\\\\\" He continued.
On the second of August 2013, we desperately need to commemorate the occasion, Sayyed Nasrallah said, pointing out that \\\\\\\"Palestine which we are talking about is the whole of Palestine from the sea to the river, which should return fully to its people no one of the world\\\\\\\'s Sheikh or Sayyed or Prince nor King or President or a government to give up or abandon one grain of sand from the soil of Palestine, or a drop of its water, oil, or a piece of its land and does not have a mandate to do so.\\\\\\\"
Demise of Israel a National Interest
\\\\\\\"Imam Khomeini had described Israel accurately when he called it a cancerous tumor, and it is really a tumor that kills, the only solution is to eradicate it without giving it any opportunity or surrender and eradicate,\\\\\\\" He said, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"Israel represents a constant and enormous threat not only on Palestine and the Palestinians, this is an illusion and misinformation and ignorance. Israel is a threat to all peoples and countries of the region, with its security and sovereignty and he who deny this is an arrogant.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"Some might think that the demise of Israel is a Palestinian interest, it\\\\\\\'s rather a national interest of each country of the region, and it is a threat to Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon, thus the disappearance of Israel is a national Jordanian, Syrian, Egyptian and Lebanese interest,\\\\\\\" He said.
Credit: ElectronicResistance
Sayyed Nasrallah: We, the Twelver Shia, Won\\\\\\\'t Abandon Palestine
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said on Friday that the demise of Israel is a national interest, stressing that the \\\\\\\"Shiite\\\\\\\" Hezbollah will continue to bear its responsibilities towards the Palestinian cause and Al-Quds.
In a live speech before crowds marking the International Al-Quds Day in Dahiyeh, Sayyed Nasrallah paid tribute to late Imam Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini who designated the last Friday in the holy month of Ramadan as Al-Quds Day, and said that people are in critical need to commemorate this day.
\\\\\\\"On the seventh of August 1979, meaning few months from the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini issued a statement calling on all vulnerable peoples in the world to consider as Al-Quds Day the last Friday of the month of Ramadan, and this call was confirmed by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei,\\\\\\\" Sayyed Nasrallah said. \\\\\\\"The goal of this call was to remind Muslims and the world of the Palestinian cause and benefit from this occasion to mobilize energies in order to save Al-Quds and Palestine from the hands of the Zionists and to highlight what Palestine and its people are suffering from starvation, Judaization and siege,\\\\\\\" He continued.
On the second of August 2013, we desperately need to commemorate the occasion, Sayyed Nasrallah said, pointing out that \\\\\\\"Palestine which we are talking about is the whole of Palestine from the sea to the river, which should return fully to its people no one of the world\\\\\\\'s Sheikh or Sayyed or Prince nor King or President or a government to give up or abandon one grain of sand from the soil of Palestine, or a drop of its water, oil, or a piece of its land and does not have a mandate to do so.\\\\\\\"
Demise of Israel a National Interest
\\\\\\\"Imam Khomeini had described Israel accurately when he called it a cancerous tumor, and it is really a tumor that kills, the only solution is to eradicate it without giving it any opportunity or surrender and eradicate,\\\\\\\" He said, emphasizing that \\\\\\\"Israel represents a constant and enormous threat not only on Palestine and the Palestinians, this is an illusion and misinformation and ignorance. Israel is a threat to all peoples and countries of the region, with its security and sovereignty and he who deny this is an arrogant.\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"Some might think that the demise of Israel is a Palestinian interest, it\\\\\\\'s rather a national interest of each country of the region, and it is a threat to Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon, thus the disappearance of Israel is a national Jordanian, Syrian, Egyptian and Lebanese interest,\\\\\\\" He said.
Credit: ElectronicResistance
[Canada Quds Day 2014] Toronto Holds Largest Al-Quds Day Rally In North America 26Jul2014 - English
Over 20,000 Canadians belonging to 70 different Mosques, Churches, Synagogues and anti-war, civil and human rights organizations came together for the historic rally held in Queen\\\'s park Toronto...
Over 20,000 Canadians belonging to 70 different Mosques, Churches, Synagogues and anti-war, civil and human rights organizations came together for the historic rally held in Queen\\\'s park Toronto on July 26, 2014. The largest Al-Quds rally in the history of Toronto and North America included a significant number of Jewish organizations including \\\"Not in our Name\\\", \\\"Neturei Karta\\\", \\\"Jews against Occupation\\\" and \\\"Independent Jewish Voices\\\" as well as men, women and children from all faiths and walks of life.
The speakers and participants of the rally came to express their solidarity with the brutally oppressed people of occupied Palestine and to protest against the terrorist state of israel, whose Zionist settlers believe that they have a right to imprison, expel and massacre men, women and children to expand the illegal settlements and the occupation of the indigenous Palestinians.
The children of Toronto released balloons with the names of the children in Gaza who have been massacred in the recent indiscriminate onslaught against the civilian population. Many in the crowd broke down in tears when a young Muslim girl read the names of some of the hundreds of children that have been found buried under the rubble of their schools and houses. The speakers and participants strongly denounced the support of Stephen Harper\\\'s government for the war crimes committed by the state of israel. They condemned the one-sided and unfair approach that does not represent the Canadian values or the opinion of the majority of the populace and vowed to change the political representatives that pander to the Zionist lobbyists.
The Al-Quds day rallies were held in over 800 cities in 45 countries and were attended by tens of millions of individuals who are committed to giving a voice to the voiceless population of the occupied Palestine. Every year, the support for Palestine grows and the apartheid state of israel is more isolated and exposed today than ever before. It is only a matter of time before it is forced to end the illegal occupation of Palestine.
Over 20,000 Canadians belonging to 70 different Mosques, Churches, Synagogues and anti-war, civil and human rights organizations came together for the historic rally held in Queen\\\'s park Toronto on July 26, 2014. The largest Al-Quds rally in the history of Toronto and North America included a significant number of Jewish organizations including \\\"Not in our Name\\\", \\\"Neturei Karta\\\", \\\"Jews against Occupation\\\" and \\\"Independent Jewish Voices\\\" as well as men, women and children from all faiths and walks of life.
The speakers and participants of the rally came to express their solidarity with the brutally oppressed people of occupied Palestine and to protest against the terrorist state of israel, whose Zionist settlers believe that they have a right to imprison, expel and massacre men, women and children to expand the illegal settlements and the occupation of the indigenous Palestinians.
The children of Toronto released balloons with the names of the children in Gaza who have been massacred in the recent indiscriminate onslaught against the civilian population. Many in the crowd broke down in tears when a young Muslim girl read the names of some of the hundreds of children that have been found buried under the rubble of their schools and houses. The speakers and participants strongly denounced the support of Stephen Harper\\\'s government for the war crimes committed by the state of israel. They condemned the one-sided and unfair approach that does not represent the Canadian values or the opinion of the majority of the populace and vowed to change the political representatives that pander to the Zionist lobbyists.
The Al-Quds day rallies were held in over 800 cities in 45 countries and were attended by tens of millions of individuals who are committed to giving a voice to the voiceless population of the occupied Palestine. Every year, the support for Palestine grows and the apartheid state of israel is more isolated and exposed today than ever before. It is only a matter of time before it is forced to end the illegal occupation of Palestine.